Ph. D Program: 

The Department of Botany is at the fore-front of plant science research through offering doctoral and post-doctoral research in a wide-variety of thematic areas. Candidates are requested to visit the home-pages of the faculties in the Department of Botany to identify suitable areas of mutual interest. Research is supported by a range of Infrastructure and facilities including Central Instrument Facilities, Garden and Green-houses.

Admission to the Ph.D program is as per University Policy. The Ph.D program is guided by Ordinance VI and other terms and conditions as approved by the Research Council.

The Ph.D candidates are required to complete a course-work as part of the doctoral program

Semester 1

CORE PAPERS*(Mandatory for all students)

RM 01 Research Methodology (4 Credits)

RM 02: Research and Publication Ethics  (2 Credits)

Elective courses (Any two courses to be selected 2-credits each))

EL 01: Ecology and Environment

EL 02: Plant Diversity, Systematics and Evolution

EL 03: Abiotic Stress Physiology and Biochemistry

EL 04: Genetics, Genomics and Cell Biology

EL 05: Developmental Biology and Plant Biotechnology

EL 06: Plant Stress and Gene Regulation

Semester 2:

Ph.D. Confirmation Seminar (including literature review and thesis proposal)