Recent Publications (2018-2024)
Authors | Title | Journal | Year | DOI / Citation |
Bhandari M, Dabral A, Bisht A; Mishra G, Meena R, Kant R, Pandey S, Nautiyal R, Chandra A, Tandon R | Phenological pattern, breeding behaviour and estimation of outcrossing rate in Grevillea robusta (Proteaceae) | Nucleus | 2024 | |
Jhajhariya M, Mangla Y, Chandra A, Goel S, Tandon R | Variable resource allocation pattern, biased sex-ratio, and extent of sexual dimorphism in subdioecious Hippophae rhamnoides | PLoS ONE | 2024 | |
Sougrakpam, Y., & Deswal, R. | Identification of nitric oxide regulated low abundant myrosinases from seeds and seedlings of Brassica juncea | Plant Science | 2024 | |
Babuta, P., & Deswal, R. | Differential S-nitrosylation and characterization of purified S-nitrosoglutathione reductase (GSNOR) from Brassica juncea shows multiple forms of the enzymes. | Plant Physiology and Biochemistry | 2024 | |
Sanan-Mishra, N., & Deswal, R. | Guest Editorial: Special Issue: Cellular signals and molecular physiology of plant responses | Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants | 2024 | |
Saini, N., Modolo, L. V., Deswal, R., Sehrawat, A., Yadav, N., & Sangwan, N. S. | Expanding Roles of Cross-talk between Hydrogen Sulfide and Nitric Oxide under Abiotic Stress in Plants. | Plant Physiology and Biochemistry | 2024 | |
Shilky., Baishya, R. & Saikia, P. | Identification of Urban Street Trees of Delhi for Green Belt Development and Pollution Mitigation Based on Various Biochemical Parameters | Environmental Science and Pollution Research | 2024 | |
Siwach, A., Zhuang, Q. & Baishya, R | Impact of seasonality, moss cover, and forest types on soil microbial biomass and enzymatic activity: An environmental prospective from the Himalaya | Catena | 2024 | |
Sorokhaibam, S.S., Chandra, A., Baishya, R., Barik, S.K., Goel, S. & Tandon, R | Contradistinctive floral attributes, pollination guilds and their consequence on the outcrossing rate in two elevational morphs of Rhododendron arboretum sm. | Frontiers in Plant Science | 2024 | |
Ekka, P., Shilky., Baishya, R. & Saikia, P | Ecological Analyses of Street Trees of Indian Cities to achieve United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. | Ecological Frontiers | 2024 | |
Yadav P, Oraon PK, Lepcha D, Chandra A, Tandon R, Chettri A, Hassan TU, Baishya R, Behera MD, Barik SK, Goel S | Development of genome-wide microsatellites from Primula denticulata and their utility in different species of the genus. | South African Journal of Botany | 2024 | |
Roy, S., Kapoor, R., Mathur, P., | Revisiting changes in growth, physiology, and stress responses of Plants under the effect of Enhanced CO2 and temperature | Plant and Cell Physiology | 2024 | |
Toppo, P., Jangir P., Mehra, N., Kapoor, R., Mathur, P., | Bioprospecting of endophytic fungi from medicinal plant Anisomeles indica L. for their diverse role in agricultural and industrial sectors. | Scientific Reports | 2024 | |
Wan YX., Kapoor R., da, Silva, FSB., Abd-Allah, EF., Kuča, K., Hashem, A., | Elucidating the mechanism regarding enhanced tolerance in plants to abiotic stress by Serendipita indica | Plant Growth Regulation | 2024 | |
Dunivant, T. S., V. Singh, K. E. Livingston, J. D. Ross, and L. C. Hileman | CYCLOIDEA paralogs function partially redundantly to specify dorsal flower development in Mimulus lewisii. | American Journal of Botany | 2024 | |
Yadav, P., Khatri, N., Gupta, R. & Mudgil, Y. | Proteomic profiling of Arabidopsis G-protein β subunit AGB1 mutant under salt stress | 2024 | | |
Roy, S., Kapoor, R., Mathur, P., | Revisiting changes in growth, physiology, and stress responses of Plants under the effect of Enhanced CO2 and temperature | Plant and Cell Physiology | 2024 | |
Toppo, P., Jangir P., Mehra, N., Kapoor, R., Mathur, P., | Bioprospecting of endophytic fungi from medicinal plant Anisomeles indica L. for their diverse role in agricultural and industrial sectors. | Scientific Reports | 2024 | |
Wan YX., Kapoor R., da, Silva, FSB., Abd-Allah, EF., Kuča, K., Hashem, A., | Elucidating the mechanism regarding enhanced tolerance in plants to abiotic stress by Serendipita indica | Plant Growth Regulation | 2024 | |
A Mehra and S. Mazumdar-Leighton | The Art of War: Herbivore induced plant volatiles | Resonance (Springer), 29 (1): 29-49. | 2024 | |
N. Seth, S, Vats, S. Lakhanpaul, Y. Arafat, S. Mazumdar-Leighton, M Bansal* and C.R. Babu | Microbial community diversity from an integrated constructed wetland used for treatment of sewage | Frontiers in Microbiology (Aquatic Microbiology) | 2024 | |
U Rathi, A Gupta, P Joshiya Pradhan, A Choudhary, BL Patil, S. Mazumdar‑Leighton, and MV. Rajam | An improved plant regeneration protocol for a popular Indian Madhubindu variety of papaya (Carica papaya L.) via somatic embryogenesis | Vegetos online | 2024 | |
M. Bansal, N. Seth, C.R. Babu, S. Mazumdar, S. Mazumdar-Leighton | Characterisation of microbial communities in the sewage of a major drain | Journal of Water and Health | 2024 | |
The non-canonically organized members of MIR395 gene family in Brassica juncea are associated with developmentally regulated, sulfate-stress responsive bidirectional promoters that exhibit orientation-dependent differential transcriptional activity. | Ekta Bhardwaj, Ekta Pokhriyal, Aditi Jain, Mukund Lal, Megha Khari, Komal Jalan, Sandip Das | Plant Science | 2024 | |
Functional characterization and comparative analysis of AtMYB42 and AtMYB85 promoters to gain insights into transcriptional regulation during development and hormonal induction | Yadav S, Shukla R, Pokhriyal E, Das S | Acta Physiologia Plantarum | 2024 | 10.1007/s11738-024-03701-4 |
Comparative functional characterization of nst1, nst2 and nst3 in Arabidopsis thaliana uncovers previously unknown functions in diverse developmental pathways beyond secondary wall formation | Shobha Yadav, Komal Jalan, Sandip Das | Plant Molecular Biology Reporter | 2024 | 10.1007/s11105-024-01474-1 |
Singh,T. & Agrawal, Veena | Optimization of micropropagation protocol and elicitation of luteolin and rutin biomolecules using phenylalanine and chitosan in root callus of Rumex hastatus D. Don. | Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture | 2023 | |
Kumar, D.; Kumar, R.; Singh, B. & Agrawal, Veena | Modulation in the enzymatic antioxidants, MDA level and elicitation in conessine biomolecule in Holarrhena pubescens (medicinal tree) cultures exposed to different heavy metals: Ni, Co, Cr and As. | 3 Biotech | 2023 | |
Singh, T.; Yadav, R. & Agrawal, Veena | In vitro strategies for isolation and elicitation of psoralen, daidzein and genistein in cotyledon callus of Cullen corylifolium (L.) Medik. In in vitro propagation and secondary metabolite production from medicinal plants: Current trends | Bentham Science | 2024 | |
Ahamed M, Singh S, Mayirnao H-S, Mehmood T, Verma K, Kapoor R, Sharma YP | Morphological and molecular characterization of two species of Pholiota from North‑western Himalaya, India. | Indian Phytopathology | 2023 | |
Ahamed M, Singh S, Mayirnao H-S, Mehmood T, Verma K, Kapoor R, Sharma YP | Morphological and molecular characterization of two species of Pholiota from North‑western Himalaya, India. | Indian Phytopathology | 2023 | |
Aran K, Giri P, Roy H and Uniyal PL | Taxonomic significance of microspores in some selected species of the family Selaginellaceae from Arunachal Pradesh, India | Palynology | 2023 | 10.1080/01916122.2022.2156632 |
Aran K, Giri P, Roy H and Uniyal PL | Taxonomic significance of microspores in some selected species of the family Selaginellaceae from Arunachal Pradesh, India | Palynology | 2023 | 10.1080/01916122.2022.2156632 |
Babuta, P., Paritosh, K., & Deswal, R. | Genome-wide identification and functional analysis of denitrosylases (S-nitrosoglutathione reductases and NADPH-dependent thioredoxin reductases) in Brassica juncea. Plant Biotechnology Reports | Plant Biotechnology Reports | 2023 | |
Chaudhary, H., Dinakaran, J., Notup, T., Vikram, K. & Rao, K.S. | Comparison of adsorption performance of biochar derived from urban biowaste materials for removal of heavy metals. | Environmental Management | 2023 | 10.1007/s00267-023-01866-1 |
Chaudhary, H., Dinakaran, J., Vikram, K., Notup, T. & Rao, K.S. | Evaluation of physico-chemical and structural properties produced from pyrolysis of urban biowaste | Journal of Material Cycles and Waster Management | 2023 | 10.1007/s10163-023-01719-3 |
Chaurasia, M., Patel, K. & Rao, K.S. | Soil organic carbon and nitrogen status in peri-urban landscape | International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences | 2023 | 10.55863/ijees.2023.2947 |
Chaurasia, M., Patel, K., Bhadouria, R. & Rao, K.S. | Spatial variability in soil physicochemical parameters across land use classes in the peri-urban landscape | Environment, Development and Sustainability | 2023 | 10.1007/s10668-023-03653-8 |
Dharmendra Kumar, Om Parkash Dhankher, Rudra Deo Tripathi, Chandra Shekhar Seth | Titanium dioxide nanoparticles potentially regulate the mechanism(s) for photosynthetic attributes, genotoxicity, antioxidants defense machinery, and phytochelatins synthesis in relation to hexavalent chromium toxicity in Helianthus annuus L. | Journal of Hazardous Materials | 2023 | |
Dhyani A, Baishya R, Uniyal PL and Rao KS | Assessment of Coverage Percentage, Biomass, and Photosynthetic Pigments of Bryophytes in Kanasar Forest Range, Uttarakhand, India | Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, India, Section B Biological Sciences | 2023 | |
Dhyani, A., Baishya, R., Uniyal, P.L. & Rao, K.S. | Assessment of coverage percentage, biomass and photosynthetic pigments of bryophytes in Kanasar forest range, Uttarakhand, India | Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, India. Sec. B. Biological Sciences | 2023 | 10.1007/s40011-022-01407-6 |
Ekta & Baishya, R. | Effect of seasons and land use on soil nutrients in the semi-arid Ridge forest ecosystem of Delhi. | Ecology, Environment and Conservation | 2023 | |
Ekta and Baishya, R* | Effect of seasons and land use on soil nutrients in the semi-arid Ridge forest ecosystem of Delhi | Ecology, Environment and Conservation, EM International | 2023 | NA |
Falcão, E.L., Muniz, B.C., Bastos Filho, Carmelo. José.Albanez., Kapoor, R., da Silva, Fá.Sé. Barbosa | Soil microbial respiration and pH modulated by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi influence the biosynthesis of health-promoting compounds in Anadenanthera colubrina (Vell.) Brenan. | Rhizosphere | 2023 | |
Goyal, S., Chatterjee, V., Kulkarni, V.M., Bhat, V. | Plant regeneration through somatic embryogenesis in cell suspensions of Cenchrus ciliaris L. | Plant Methods | 2023 | |
Gupta S, Thokchom S D, Kapoor R | Arbuscular mycorrhiza fungus alleviates arsenic mediated disturbances in tricarboxylic acid cycle and nitrogen metabolism in Triticum aestivum L. | Plant Physiology and Biochemistry | 2023 | |
Jangir, P., Singh, N., Shailendra, G., Kapoor, R., | Emergence of wilt disease caused by Fusarium proliferatum in safflower-growing fields in India | Journal of Plant Pathology | 2023 | |
Kailash Yadav, Meenakshi Arya, Satya Prakash, Bhavana Sharma Jha, Preet Manchanda, Abhishek Kumar, Renu Deswal | Brassica juncea leaf cuticle contains xylose and mannose (xylomannan) which inhibit ice recrystallization on the leaf surface | Planta | 2023 | 10.1007/s00425-023-04203-2 |
Kanojia, A., Bhola, D. & Mudgil, Y. | Light signaling as cellular integrator of multiple environmental cues in plants | 2023 | | |
Katiyar, A., Geeta, R., Das, S. & Mudgil, Y. | Comparative genomics, microsynteny, ancestral state reconstruction and selection pressure analysis across distinctive genomes and sub-genomes of Brassicaceae for analysis of evolutionary history of VQ gene family. | 2023 | | |
Kaur, S., Kaushal, S., Adhikari, D., Raj, K., Rao, K.S., Tandon, T., Goel, S., Barik, B. and Baishya, R* | Different GCMs yet similar outcome: predicting the habitat distribution of Shorea robusta in the Indian Himalayas using CMIP5 and CMIP6 climate models. | Environmental Monitoring and Assessment | 2023 | |
Kaushal S, Rao KS, Uniyal PL and Baishya R. | Patterns and determinants of soil CO2 efflux in major forest types of Central Himalayas, India. | Environmental Monitoring Assessment | 2023 | |
Kaushal, S., Rao, K.S. Uniyal, P.L. and Baishya, R* | Patterns and determinants of soil CO2 efflux in major forest types of Central Himalayas, India | Environmental Monitoring and Assessment | 2023 | |
Kiwamu Tanaka, Yashwant Mudgil, Meral Tunc-Ozdemir | Editorial: Abiotic stress and plant immunity – a challenge in climate change. | Front Plant Sci | 2023 | |
Kumari A, Sharma D, Sharma P, Wang C, Verma V, Patil A, Imran M, Singh MP, KUMAR K, Paritosh K, Caragea D, Sanjay K, Chandel G, Grover A, Jagdish SVK, Katiyar-Agarwal S, Agarwal M. | Meta-QTL and haplo-pheno analysis reveal superior haplotype combinations associated with low grain chalkiness under high temperature in rice. | Frontiers in plant science | 2023 | |
Manchanda, P., Chaudhary, P., & Deswal, R. | Photosynthesis regulation, cell membrane stabilization and methylglyoxal detoxification seems major altered pathways under cold stress as revealed by integrated multi-omics meta-analysis. | Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants | 2023 | |
Mann N, Upadhyay P, Vishnupriya P, Prabhakar S, Uniyal PL, Lakhanpaul S, Sahal D and Sabareesh V. | Anti-Plasmodial Activity and Mass Spectrometric Profiling of Peptide-enriched Methanol/Water Extract of Leaves from the Himalayan Viola canescens Wall. | Pharmacognosy Magazine | 2023 | .. DOI: 10.1177/09731296231158700 |
Mehmood T, Verma K, Singh U, Kapoor R, Sharma YP | Pleurotus shentelii (Pleurotaceae): a new edible mushroom from Trans-Himalayan region of Ladakh, India. Taiwania | Taiwania | 2023 | |
Mossang P, Chimyang N, Shankar V, Uniyal PL, Mangangcha IR and Heikham E | Study of drug like characteristics of bioactive compounds identified from Dicranella pseudosubulata Müll. Hal. ex Gangulee | Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources | 2023 | |
Muniz, BC., Kapoor, R., da Silva, Almeida, JRG., Filho, CJA., da, Silva , Fá.Sé, Barbosa., | Arbuscular mycorrhizae increase but vermicompost decrease the sun protection factor (SPF) in leaves of Hymenaea martiana Hayne seedlings | Rhizosphere | 2023 | |
Natalya Vinogradova, Elena Vinogradova, Victor Chaplygin, Saglara Mandzhieva, Pradeep Kumar, Vishnu D. Rajput, Tatiana Minkina, Chandra Shekhar Seth, Marina Burachevskaya, Dionise Lysenko, Rupesh Kumar Singh | Phenolic Compounds of the Medicinal Plants in an Anthropogenically Transformed Environment | Molecules | 2023 | molecules28176322 |
Nishu Chahar, Meenakshi Dangwal and Sandip Das | Complex origin, evolution and diversification of non-canonically organized OVATE-OFP and OVATE-Like OFP gene pair across Embryophyta. | Gene | 2023 | |
Notup, T., Vikram, K., Chaudhary, H. & Rao, K.S | Nutritional potential and phytochemical screening of traditional buckwheat and barley crops of the Trans-Himalaya region | Vegetos | 2023 | 10.1007/s42535-023-00645-x |
P. Bhardwaj, V.K. Choudhary, M.S. Alam, S. Acharyya, S. Mazumdar-Leighton and C.R. Babu | Temporal variability in foliar protein content and trypsin inhibitory levels in two host trees of tropical Tasar silkworm Antheraea mylitta, Drury. | Journal of Environmental Biology (Vanya Sericulture Special Issue, CTR&TI, CSB) | 2023 | |
Patel, K., Chaurasia, M. & Rao, K.S. | Heavy metal accumulation in leaves of selected plant species in urban areas of Delhi | Environmental Science and Pollution Research | 2023 | 10.1007/s11356-022-24157-4 |
Prakash, S., Gupta, R., & Deswal, R. | Nanoparticle protein corona: understanding NP biomolecule interactions for safe and informed nanotechnological applications including stress alleviation in plants | Journal of Plant Growth Regulation | 2023 | |
Priyanka Babuta, Kumar Paritosh, Renu Deswal | Genome-wide identification and functional analysis of denitrosylases (S-nitrosoglutathione reductases and NADPH-dependent thioredoxin reductases) in Brassica juncea | Plant Biotechnology Reports | 2023 | 10.1007/s11816-023-00831-y |
Priyanka Prajapati, Praveen Gupta, Ravindra Nath Kharwar, Chandra Shekhar Seth | Nitric oxide mediated regulation of ascorbate-glutathione pathway alleviates mitotic aberrations and DNA damage in Allium cepa L. under salinity stress | International Journal of Phytoremediation | 2023 | |
R. Anand, D. Divya, S. Mazumdar-Leighton, J. S. Bentur, and S. | Expression Analysis Reveals Differentially Expressed Genes in BPH and WBPH Associated with Resistance in Rice RILs Derived from a Cross between RP2068 and TN1. | International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(18): 13982. | 2023 | |
Rekha Mehrotra, Anantika Singh, Angel Merry Indwar, Ritika Das, Sonal Roy, Sakshi Kumari, Yamini Agrawal, Preeti Verma, Aarti Yadav, Diwakar Kumar | Methanogens: Way Ahead for Sustainable Development | Acta Scientific Microbiology | 2023 | 10.31080/ASMI.2023.06.1245 |
S. Kashung, P. Bhardwaj, M. Saikia and S. Mazumdar-Leighton | Midgut serine proteinases participate in dietary adaptations of the castor (Eri) silkworm, Samia ricini Anderson transferred from Ricinus communis to an ancestral host, Ailanthus excelsa Roxb. | Front. Insect Sci. 3:1169596. | 2023 | doi:10.3389/finsc.2023.1169596 |
Safoora Mariyam, Renu Bhardwaj, Nafees A. Khan, Shivendra V. Sahi, Chandra Shekhar Seth | Review on nitric oxide at the forefront of rapid systemic signaling in mitigation of salinity stress in plants: crosstalk with calcium and hydrogen peroxide. | Plant Science | 2023 | |
Sharma, K., Kapoor, R | Arbuscular mycorrhiza differentially adjusts central carbon metabolism in two contrasting genotypes of Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek in response to salt stress. | Plant Science | 2023 | |
Sharma, P., Kaushal, S. and Baishya, R* | Biofertilizers Alleviate Salinity Stress in Medicinally Important Plant - Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don by Enhancing morphological and Photosynthetic Attributes | International Journal of Ecology & Environmental Sciences | 2023 | |
Sharma, S., & Deswal, R. | N-Linked Glycoproteome Analysis of Diosorea alata Tuber Shows Atypical Glycosylation and Indicates Central Role of Glycosylated Proteins in Tuber Maturation | The Protein Journal | 2023 | |
Shashi and Bhat, V. | Development of rapid and genotype-independent in vitro adventitious shoot differentiation in C4 bioenergy crop Cenchrus ciliaris L. | Vegetos, | 2023 | |
Shashi, Maity, PJ, Bhat, Vishnu | Efficient plantlet regeneration via somatic embryogenesis and shoot organogenesis in Dichanthium annulatum (Forssk.): a halophyte C4 apomictic forage crop | Plant Biotechnology Reports | 2023 | |
Shikha Solanki S, Samta Gupta S, Kapoor R, Varma A | Chemically synthesized AgNPs and Piriformospora indica synergistically augment nutritional quality in black rice. | Journal of Fungi | 2023 | |
Shivangi Shah, Dinabandhu Sahoo and Girish Mishra | Mixotrophic cultivation enhances lipid productivity and fatty acid profile towards efficient production of microalgae-based biofuel from Desmodesmus sp. DLK. | Biofuels | 2023 | |
Shobha Yadav, Nishu Chahar, Mukund Lal, Sandip Das | Phylogenetic and comparative genomics establishes origin of paralogy of MYB42 and MYB85 in last common ancestor of Brassicaceae via segmental duplication | Plant Gene | 2023 | |
Shruti Sharma & Renu Deswal | N-Linked Glycoproteome Analysis of Diosorea alata Tuber Shows Atypical Glycosylation and Indicates Central Role of Glycosylated Proteins in Tuber Maturation | The Protein Journal | 2023 | 10.1007/s10930-023-10094-9 |
Siwach, A., Kaushal., S. Sarma, K. and Baishya, R* | Interplay of moss cover and seasonal variation regulate soil physicochemical properties and net nitrogen mineralization rates in Central Himalayas, India. | Journal of Environmental Management | 2023 | |
Solanki S , Subba Lakshmi GBV, Dhiman T, Gupta S, Solanki PR , Kapoor R, Varma A | Co-application of silver nanoparticles and symbiotic fungus Piriformospora indica improves secondary metabolite production in black rice. | Journal of Fungi | 2023 | |
Solanki S , Subba Lakshmi GBV, Dhiman T, Gupta S, Solanki PR , Kapoor R, Varma A | Co-application of silver nanoparticles and symbiotic fungus Piriformospora indica improves secondary metabolite production in black rice. | Journal of Fungi | 2023 | |
Sorokhaibam S, Tandon R, Agrawal A, Shivanna KR. | Quantitative assessment of oil palm pollen after 23 years of cryobanking. | CryoLetters | 2023 | |
Sougrakpam, Y., & Deswal, R. | Brassica juncea seeds and seedlings are potential functional foods with diverse active myrosinases. | Food Bioscience | 2023 | |
Sougrakpam, Y., Babuta, P., & Deswal, R. | Nitric oxide (NO) modulates low temperature-stress signaling via S-nitrosation, a NO PTM, inducing ethylene biosynthesis inhibition leading to enhanced post-harvest shelf-life of agricultural produce. | Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants | 2023 | |
Swati Singh, R. Geeta and Sandip Das | Comparative sequence and functional analysis of KCS6 and KCS5 from Arabidopsis thaliana and Brassica juncea establishes functional equivalency and role in stress management. | Plant Molecular Biology Reporter | 2023 | |
Thokchom, S D., Gupta S., Kapoor, R., | Response of Ocimum tenuiflorum L. (Holy basil) to inoculation of Four Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal species shows Functional Coherence with Respect to their Phylogeny. | Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition | 2023 | |
Thokchom, S D., Gupta, S., Mewar., S K, Kumar, P., Kalr, C., Kapoor, R., | Metabolome profiling of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus treated Ocimum tenuiflorum L. provides insights into deviation in allocation of carbon compounds to secondary metabolism | Plant Physiology and Biochemistry | 2023 | |
Thokchom, S. D., Gupta, S., Kapoor, R | Response of Ocimum tenuiflorum L. (Holy basil) to inoculation of Four Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal species shows Functional Coherence with Respect to their Phylogeny | Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition | 2023 | |
Thokchom, SD., Gupta, S., Kapoor, R., | An appraisal of arbuscular mycorrhiza-mediated augmentation in production of secondary metabolites in medicinal plants | Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants | 2023 | |
V.K. Choudhary, P. Bhardwaj, P.K. Kar, S. Mazumdar-Leighton and C.R. Babu | Development of novel Tasar cultivation zones and conservation of Vanya silkworms in ecologically-restored sites within degraded mined-out areas of Purnapani, Odisha, | Journal of Environmental Biology (Vanya Sericulture Special Issue, CTR&TI, CSB), 44(3): 505-513. | 2023 | |
Vijay Rani Rajpal, Satya Prakash, Sahil Mehta, Tatiana Minkina, Vishnu D. Rajput & Renu Deswal | A comprehensive review on mitigating abiotic stresses in plants by metallic nanomaterials: prospects and concerns | Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy | 2023 | 10.1007/s10098-023-02561-9 |
Vikram, K., Notup, T., Chaudhary, H., Dinakaran, J. & Rao, K.S. | Changes of soil physicochemcical and enzymatic parameters at different days after sowing of barley and wheat in the Central Himalayan region, India. | Vegetos | 2023 | 10.1007/s42535-022-00513-0 |
Vikram, K., Notup, T., Chaudhary, H., Dinakaran, J. & Rao, K.S. | Changes of soil physicochemcical and enzymatic parameters at different days after sowing of barley and wheat in the Central Himalayan region, India. | Vegetos | 2023 | 10.1007/s42535-022-00513-0 |
Wu Q-S, Silva F, Hijri M, Kapoor R | Effects of arbuscular mycorrhiza on secondary metabolite production in plants | Frontiers in Plant Science | 2023 | |
Wu Q-S, Silva F, Hijri M, Kapoor R | Editorial: Effects of arbuscular mycorrhiza on secondary metabolite production in plants. | Frontiers in Plant Science | 2023 | |
Yadav, K., Arya, M., Prakash, S., Jha, B. S., Manchanda, P., Kumar, A., & Deswal, R. | Brassica juncea leaf cuticle contains xylose and mannose (xylomannan) which inhibit ice recrystallization on the leaf surface | Planta | 2023 | |
Zahid Ahmad Mangral, Shahid Ul Islam, Lubna Tariq, Sharanjeet Kaur, Rameez Ahmad Khuroo, Akhtar Hussain Malik, Shailendra Goel, Ratul Baishya, Saroj Kanta Barik & Tanvir Ul Hassan Dar | Altitudinal gradient drives significant changes in soil physico-chemical and ecophysiological properties of Rhododendron anthopogon: a case study from Himalaya. | Frontiers in Forests and Global Change | 2023 | |
Zahid Ahmad Mangral, Shahid Ul Islam, Lubna Tariq, Sharanjeet Kaur, Rameez Ahmad Khuroo, Akhtar Hussain Malik, Shailendra Goel, Ratul Baishya, Saroj Kanta Barik and Tanvir Ul Hassan Dar | Altitudinal gradient drives significant changes in soil physico-chemical and ecophysiological properties of Rhododendron anthopogon: a case study from Himalaya | Frontiers in Forests and Global Change | 2023 | https://doi: 10.3389/ffgc.2023.1181299 |
Heena Ambreen, Praveen Kumar Oraon, Daniel Regie Wahlang, Rama Rao Satyawada, Surekha Katiyar-Agarwal, Manu Agarwal, Arun Jagannath, Amar Kumar, Roli Budhwar, Rohit Nandan Shukla, Shailendra Goel | Long-read Based Draft Genome Sequence Of Indian Black Gram (Vigna mungo L.) Variety 'IPU-94-1 (Uttara)': Insights Into Disease Resistance and Seed Storage Protein Genes | The Plant Genome | 2022 | |
Krishna Nand Singh, Sapna Rawat, Kuldeep Kumar, Surekha Katiyar Agarwal, Shailendra Goel*, Arun Jagannath*, Manu Agarwal* | Identification of significant marker-trait associations for Fusarium wilt resistance in a genetically diverse core collection of safflower using AFLP and SSR markers | Journal of Applied Genetics | 2022 | |
Seema Parveen, Nutan Singh, Arjun Adit, Suman Kumaria, Rajesh Tandon, Manu Agarwal, Arun Jagannath, and Shailendra Goel. | Contrasting Reproductive Strategies of Two Nymphaea Species Affect Existing Natural Genetic Diversity as Assessed by Microsatellite Markers: Implications for Conservation and Wetlands Restoration | Frontiers in Plant Science | 2022 | |
Heisnam Dinesh Singh, Monika Sharma, Priyanka Mohapatra, Shailendra Goel, Arun Jagannath, Manu Agarwal | Establishment of a correlation between pistil size and female gametophyte developmental stages in apomictic and sexual lines of Cenchrus americanus (L.) Morrone | Vegetos | 2022 | Doi:10.1007/s42535-022-00340-3 |
Praveen Gupta, Chandra Shekhar Seth | 24-Epibrassinolide regulates functional components of nitric oxide signalling and antioxidant defense pathways to alleviate salinity stress in Brassica juncea L. cv. Varuna. | Journal of Plant Growth Regulation | 2022 | |
Manisha Yadav, Praveen Gupta, Chandra Shekhar Seth | Foliar application of α-lipoic acid attenuates cadmium toxicity on photosynthetic pigments and nitrogen metabolism in Solanum lycopersicum L. | Acta Physiologiae Plantarum | 2022 | |
Arpit Jindal, Chandra Shekhar Seth | Medicinal plants: the rising strategy for synthesis of modern medicine. | International Journal of Plant and Environment | 2022 | |
Dharmendra Kumar, Chandra Shekhar Seth | Photosynthesis, lipid peroxidation, and antioxidative responses of Helianthus annuus L. against chromium (VI) accumulation | International Journal of Phytoremediation | 2022 | |
Ekta*, Baishya, R. and Hasan, A | Study of Tree Diversity and Biomass in Natural and Managed Site of ridge Forest Ecosystem, Delhi Forest, India | Indian Forester | 2022 | |
Parveen, S., Kaur, S., Baishya, R. and Goel, S* | Predicting the potential suitable habitats of genus Nymphaea in India using MaxEnt modeling | Environmental Monitoring and Assessment | 2022 | |
Kumar, R*, Baishya, R. Gawdiya, S. and Verma, A | Phytosociology and diversity assessment of tree species of Northern Delhi Ridge Forest | Ecology, Environment and Conservation | 2022 | |
Prasad, S., Baishya, R* | Effect of tree species and seasons on soil nitrogen transformation rates in the semi-arid forest of Delhi, India | Vegetos | 2022 | |
Dhyani, A*. Baishya, R. Uniyal, P.L. and Rao. K.S. | Bryophyte diversity and community composition in the gap and non-gap areas of Chakrata forest range, Uttarakhand, India | Vegetos | 2022 | |
V. Singh, S. Kumar and S. Lakhanpaul | Micromorphological analysis indicates reversion of sesame extrafloral nectary to flower-like structure with the onset of phytoplasma infection reflecting its evolutionary path | South African Journal of Botany | 2022 | |
Lakhanpaul, S., Singh, V., Kumar, S. & Singh, A. | Molecular Mechanism Underlying Symptom Development in Phytoplasma Associated Diseases - The Key Players and their Role | Indian Journal of Entomology | 2022 | |
Nautiyal, S., Goswami, M., Prakash, S., Rao, K.S., Maikhuri, R.K., Saxena, K.G., Baksi, S. & Banerjee, S. | Spatio-temporal variations of geo-climatic envirionment in a high-altitude landscape of central Himalaya: An assessment from the perspective of vulnerability of glacial lakes | Natural Hazzards Research | 2022 | 10.1016/j.nhres.2022.07.003 |
Chaurasia, M., Patel, K., Tripathi, I. & Rao, K.S. | Impact of dust accumulation on the physiological function of selected herbaceous plants of Delhi, India | Environmental Science and Pollution Research | 2022 | 10.1007/s11356-022-21484-4 |
Yamal, G., Singh, M., Pardha-Saradhi, P. & Rao, K.S. | Roots of Pennisetum sp. possess the competence to generate nanoparticles of noble metals | Indian Journal of Biochemistry & Biophysics | 2022 | 10.56042/ijbb.v59i4.61928 |
Patel, K., Bidalia, A., Tripathi, I., Yamal, G., Arora, P. & Rao, K.S. | Effect of heat stress on wild type and A7a knockout mutant Arabidopsis thaliana plants | Vegetos | 2022 | 10.1007/s42535-021-00272-4 |
Vikram, K., Chaudhary, H., Natup, T., Dinakaran, J. & Rao, K.S. | Soil respiration under different land use systems in Kumaon region of Central Himalaya, India | International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences | 2022 | 10.55863/ijees.2022.0649 |
Shukla, V. & Rao, K.S. | Milissopalynological studies of honey from Indo-gangetic plain, India | International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences | 2022 | 10.55863/ijees.2022.0020 |
Rao, K.S. & Saxena, K.G. | Sacred – The concept in natural forest management in India | Man in India | 2022 | not assigned |
Shukla, V., Rao, K.S. & Tripathi, D. | Pollen diversity of honey from northern and southern Prayagraj district Uttar Pradesh, India | Grana | 2022 | 10.1080/00173134.2021.1993329 |
Rao, K.S., Semwal, R.L., Ghoshal, S., Maikhuri, R.K., Nautiyal, S. & Saxena, K.G. | Participatory active restoration in temperate Himalaya, India. | Restoration Ecology | 2022 | 10.1111/rec.13486 |
Sasi, J. M., VijayaKumar, C., Kukreja, B., Budhwar, R., Shukla, R. N., Agarwal, M., & Katiyar-Agarwal, S. | Integrated transcriptomics and miRNAomics provide insights into the complex multi-tiered regulatory networks associated with coleoptile senescence in rice | Frontiers in plant science | 2022 | |
Raxwal, V. K., Singh, S., Agarwal, M., & Riha, K. | Transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation of young genes in plants | BMC biology | 2022 | |
Parveen S, Singh N, Adit A, Kumaria S, Tandon R, Agarwal M, Jagannath A, Goel S | Contrasting Reproductive Strategies of Two Nymphaea Species Affect Existing Natural Genetic Diversity as Assessed by Microsatellite Markers: Implications for Conservation and Wetlands Restoration. | Frontiers in plant science | 2022 | |
Singh HD, Sharma M, Mohapatra P, Goel S, Jagannath A, Agarwal M. | Establishment of a correlation between pistil size and female gametophyte developmental stages in apomictic and sexual lines of Cenchrus americanus (L.) Morrone. | Vegetos. | 2022 | |
Saxena B, Sharma K, Kapoor R, Wu Q-S, Giri B | Insights into the molecular aspects of salt stress tolerance in mycorrhizal plants. | World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology | 2022 | |
Gupta S, Thockchom SD, Koul M, Kapoor R | Arbuscular Mycorrhiza mediated mineral biofortification and arsenic toxicity mitigation in Triticum aestivum L. | Plant Stress | 2022 | |
Adit A, Koul M, Kapoor R, Tandon R | Topological analysis of orchid-fungal endophyte interaction shows lack of phylogenetic preference | South African Journal of Botany | 2022 | |
Mathur P, Sharma E, Kapoor R | Role of nitrogen and sulphur fertilization for sustaining the growth, physiology and defense of Brassica juncea L. (Indian mustard) plants exposed to enhanced CO2 concentration. | Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition | 2022 | |
Adit A, Singh VK, Koul M, Tandon R. | Breeding system and pollinator’s response to floral larceny define the reproductive success in Aerides odorata. | Frontiers in Plant Sciences (Functional Plant Ecology) | 2022 | |
Mathur S, Paritosh K, Tandon R, Pental D, Pradhan A.K. | Comparative analysis of seed transcriptome and coexpression analysis reveals candidate genes for enhancing seed size/weight in Brassica juncea. | Frontiers in Genetics (Plant Genomics) | 2022 | doi: 10.3389/fgene.2022.814486. |
Adit A, Koul M, Choudhary A, Tandon R. | Interaction between Cymbidium aloifolium and Apis cerana: incidence of an outlier in modular pollination network of oil-flowers. | Ecology and Evolution | 2022 | |
Das S | Opinion: Morphology, morphogenesis and plant development: leveraging genomics to understand bauplan. | Phytomorphology | 2022 | https://10.56024/ispm.72.1&2.2022/31-36 |
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Aarti Yadav, Khushi Khera, Rekha Mehrotra, Kohinoor Kaur, Yamini Agrawal, Pratima Srivastava, Suresh Thakur | Unnatural Nucleotides: Exploring the Information Storage System of DNA | Archives of Clinical and Biomedical Research | 2022 | 10.26502/acbr.50170306 |
Deepak Gola, Meenu Singh, Anushree Malik, Nitin Chauhan, Yamini Agrawal | Removal process of metal-dye mixture using a Beauveria bassiana | Water Conservation Science and Engineering | 2022 | 10.1007/s41101-022-00168-7 |
Rashmi Mathur, Isha Gunwal, Nitin Chauhan, Yamini Agrawal | DNA Barcoding for Identification and Detection of Species | Letters in Applied NanoBioScience | 2022 | – |
Puri, R., Choudhary, A.K., Barman, P. Mishra G., and Geeta R | Two unusual conjugated fatty acids, parinaric acid and α-eleostearic acid, are present in several Impatiens species, but not in congener Hydrocera triflora. | Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants | 2022 | |
Shatakshi Pandit and Renu Goel and Girish Mishra | Phosphatidic acid binds to and stimulates the activity of ARGAH2 from Arabidopsis | Plant Physiology and Biochemistry | 2022 | |
Rajpal VR, Rathore P, Mehta S, Wadhwa N, Yadav P, Berry E, Goel S, Bhat V and Raina SN | Epigenetic variation: A major player in facilitating plant fitness under changing environmental conditions | Front. Cell & Dev. Biology | 2022 | doi: 10.3389/fcell.2022.1020958 |
Rita Bhatla, Mansi Gogna, Renu Aggarwal, Vishnu Bhat | Possible Interaction of Water-Soluble Vitamins with Nitric Oxide and Its Significance – Evidence from Reversed Phase-High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (RP-HPLC) | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE RESEARCH IN TECHNOLOGY | 2022 | |
Rathore P, Schwarzacher T, Heslop-Harrison JS, Bhat V and Tomaszewska P | The repetitive DNA sequence landscape and DNA methylation in chromosomes of an apomictic tropical forage grass, Cenchrus ciliaris | Front. Plant Sci. | 2022 | |
Raturi D., Chaudhary, M., Bhat, V., Goel, S., Raina, SN, Rajpal, VR, Singh, A | Overview of developed core and mini core collections andtheir effective utilization in cultivated rice and its relatedspecies (Oryzasp.)—A review | Plant Breeding | 2022 | |
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Pradeep Kumar, Praveen Kumar Oraon, Pragati Yadav, Anirban Roy, Shailendra Goel, M Krishna Reddy, Sunil Kumar Mukherjee, Bikash Mandal | Random distribution of nucleotide polymorphism throughout the genome of tomato-infecting begomovirus species occurring in India: implication in PCR based diagnosis. | Virus Disease | 2022 | 10.1007/s13337-022-00785-9 |
Vijay Rani Rajpal, Shashi Sharma, Deepmala Sehgal, Apekshita Singh, Avinash Kumar, Samantha Vaishnavi, Mugdha Tiwari, Hemal Bhalla, Shailendra Goel, Soom Nath Raina. | A comprehensive account of SARS-CoV-2 genome structure, incurred mutations, lineages and COVID-19 vaccination program. | Future Virology | 2022 | DOI: 10.2217/fvl-2021-0277. |
Vijay Rani Rajpal, Shashi Sharma, Avinash Kumar, Samantha Vaishnavi, Apekshita Singh, Deepmala Sehgal, Mughdha Tiwari, Shailendra Goel & Soom Nath Raina. | Mapping of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein evolution during first and second waves of COVID-19 | Future Virology | 2022 | DOI 10.2217/fvl-2021-0267 |
Krishna Nand Singh, Sapna Rawat, Kuldeep Kumar, Surekha Katiyar Agarwal, Shailendra Goel, Arun Jagannath, Manu Agarwal. | Identification of significant marker-trait associations for Fusarium wilt resistance in a genetically diverse core collection of safflower using AFLP and SSR markers. | Journal of Applied Genetics | 2022 | |
Aatira Vijay, Prabhash Kumar Jha, Seema Parveen, Shailendra Goel, Amit Prabhakar, Swati Sharma, Bhuvnesh Kumar, Tathagata Chatterjee, Nitin Bajaj, Velu Nair, Manish Sharma, Mohammad Zahid Ashraf. | Aberrant promoter hypermethylation regulates thrombomodulin in high altitude induced deep vein thrombosis. | Thrombosis Research | 2022 | 10.1016/j.thromres.2022.04.018 |
VR Rajpal, S Sharma, A Kumar, S Chand, L Joshi, A Chandra, S Babbar, Shailendra Goel, Soom Nath Raina, Behrouz Shiran. 2022. | ‘Is Omicron mild’? Testing this narrative with the mutational landscape of its three lineages and response to existing vaccines and therapeutic antibodies. | Journal of Medical Virology. | 2022 | |
Dhananjay Raturi,Manju Chaudhary, Vishnu Bhat, Shailendra Goel, Soom Nath Raina,Vijay Rani Rajpal,Apekshita Singh. | Overview of developed core and mini core collections and their effective utilization in cultivated rice and its related species (Oryza sp.)—A review. | Plant Breeding | 2022 | doi/abs/10.1111/pbr.13029 |
Yadav H, Dhyani A & Uniyal PL | Contribution to the moss flora of northern Sikkim, India | Journal of Threatened Taxa | 2022 | |
Koi S, Uniyal PL & Kato M | A classification of the aquatic Podostemaceae subfamily Tristichoideae, with a new genus based on ITS and matK phylogeny and morphological characters. | Taxon | 2022 | |
Tripathi S, Setia R, Ghosh T, Uniyal PL and Kumar A | Spectral Indices for Evaluation of Dominant Species in Orchha Wildlife Sanctuary Using Remote Sensing | International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences | 2022 | |
Giri P, Uniyal PL. | Phytochemical analysis of two Equisetum species from Uttarakhand, India | Indian Fern Journal | 2022 | |
Giri P and Uniyal PL | Edible Ferns in India and Their Medicinal Uses: A Review. | Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences,India, Sect. B Biological Sciences | 2022 | |
Priyanka Babuta, Renu Deswal | Genomics and Proteomics Evidence for the Presence of Multiple Forms of S-Nitrosoglutathione Reductase (GSNOR) in Brassica juncea. | Phytomorphology | 2022 | 10.56024/ispm.72.3&4.2022/69-82 |
Satya Prakash, Ravi Gupta, Renu Deswal | Nanoparticle Protein Corona: Understanding NP Biomolecule Interactions for Safe and Informed Nanotechnological Applications Including Stress Alleviation in Plants | Journal of Plant Growth Regulation | 2022 | |
Prakash, S., Rani Rajpal, V., & Deswal, R. | Phytonanotechnology: Recent applications and the role of Biocorona. | Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics | 2022 | 10.56042/ijbb.v59i4.61967 |
Shruti Kasana and A.K. Pandey | Typifications of four names applied to the genus Jurinea (Cardueae, Asteraceae). | Journal of Japanese Botany | 2022 | |
D. Maity, Arnab, M.D. Dwivedi, Shruti Kasana and A.K. Pandey | Phylogenetic relationships in Indian Daphne (Thymeleaceae) based on morphological and molecular data. | Biologia | 2022 | |
Krishna Nand Singh, Seema Parveen, Pooja Kaushik, Shailendra Goel, Arun Jagannath, Kuldeep Kumar, Manu Agarwal | Identification and validation of in silico mined polymorphic EST-SSR for genetic diversity and cross-species transferability studies in Safflower | Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology | 2021 | |
Safoora Mariyam, Chandra Shekhar Seth | Cryptic roles of nitric oxide, a key mediator of salicylic acid and jasmonic acid signalling under abiotic stress in plants | Phytomorphology | 2021 | NA |
Samta Gupta, Chandra Shekhar Seth | Salicylic acid alleviates chromium (VI) toxicity by restricting its uptake, improving photosynthesis and augmenting antioxidant defense in Solanum lycopersicum L. | Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants | 2021 | |
Prasad, S. and Baishya, R* | Seasonal dynamics and tree-species affects soil microbial biomass carbon in semi-arid forest of India | International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences | 2021 | NO DOI |
Siwach, A, Kaushal, S. and Baishya, R* | Terricolous mosses impact soil microbial biomass carbon and enzymatic activity under temperate forest types of Garhwal Himalayas | Environmental Monitoring and Assessment | 2021 | |
Siwach, A. Kaushal, S. and Baishya, R* | Effect of Mosses on physical and chemical properties of soil in temperate forests of Garhwal Himalayas | Journal of Tropical Ecology | 2021 | |
Kaushal, S. Siwach, A. and Baishya, R* | Diversity, regeneration, and anthropogenic disturbance in major Indian Central Himalayan forest types: Implications for conservation | Biodiversity and Conservation | 2021 | |
Kaushal, S. and Baishya, R* | Stand structure and species diversity regulates biomass carbon stock under major Central Himalayan forest types of India | Ecological Processes | 2021 | |
Meena, A. & Rao, K.S. | Assessment of soil microbial and enzyme activity in the rhizosphere zone under different land use/cover of a semiarid region, India | Ecological Processes | 2021 | 10.1186/s13717-021-00288-3 |
Chandra, A., Saradhi, P.P., Maikhuri, R.K., Saxena, K.G. & Rao, K.S. | Impact of farm yard manure on cropping cycle in a rainfed agroecosystem of central Himalaya | Vegetos | 2021 | 10.1007/s42535-020-00167-w |
Komal Chaudhary, R. Geeta, Priya Panjabi | Origin and diversification of ECERIFERUM1 (CER1) and ECERIFERUM3 (CER3) genes in land plants and phylogenetic evidence that the ancestral CER1/3 gene resulted from the fusion of pre-existing domains | Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution | 2021 | |
Sharma K, Gupta G, Thochchom S D, Jangir P, Kapoor R | Arbuscular Mycorrhiza-mediated regulation of aquaporins and polyamines during abiotics: Deep insights on the recondite players. | Frontiers in Plant Science | 2021 | |
Verma K, Mehmood T, Uniyal P, Kapoor R , Sharma YP | Two new species of genus Lactarius (Russulaceae) from North-western Himalaya, India | Phytotaxa | 2021 | |
Jangir P, Mehra N, Sharma K, Singh N, Mamta Rani and Kapoor R | Secreted in Xylem genes: drivers of host adaptation in Fusarium oxysporum. | Frontiers in Plant Science | 2021 | |
Gupta S, Thokchom SD, Kapoor R | Arbuscular mycorrhiza improves photosynthesis and restores alteration in sugar metabolism in Triticum aestivum L. grown in arsenic contaminated soil. | Frontiers in Plant Science | 2021 | |
Phukela B, Adit A, Tandon R. | Evolutionary trends and diversity of floral nectaries across Solanaceae. | Planta | 2021 | doi 10.1007/s00425-021-03705-1 |
Adit A, Kumar P, Koul M, Tandon R. | Lectotypification of Bulbophyllum crassipes (Orchidaceae). | Phytotaxa | 2021 | |
Adit A, Jalal JS, Koul M, Tandon R. | A conspectus of Orchid studies in India. | Rheedia | 2021 | DOI:10.22244/rheedea.2021.31.03.14 |
Chahar N, Dangwal M, Lal M, Yadav S, and Das S | OVATE FAMILY PROTEINS (OFP) gene family across Brassicaceae: Comparative genomic analysis uncovers evolutionary relationships, extensive sequence and structural variation with a potential for functional diversification | Plant Gene | 2021 | |
Joshi G, Chauhan C, Das S | Sequence and functional analysis of MIR319 promoter homologs from Brassica juncea reveals regulatory diversification and altered expression under stress. | Molecular Genetics and Genomics; | 2021 | https://10.1007/s00438-021-01778-x |
Isha Gunwal, Rashmi Mathur, Yamini Agrawal, Payal Mago | Correlation of spore count and root colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in nickel contaminated soils | Asian Journal of Research in Biology | 2021 | – |
Sunil K. Srivastava, Deepak Gola, Pankaj Kumar Tyagi, Ashu Jain, Anushree Malik, Archana,Yamini Agrawal, Nitin Chauhan | Morphological importance of nanoparticles and its applications | Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology | 2021 | – |
Deepak Gola, Anu Kriti, Neha Bhatt, Medha Bajpai, Astha Singh, Arvind Arya, Nitin Chauhan, Sunil Kumar Srivastava, Pankaj Kumar Tyagi, Yamini Agrawal | Silver nanoparticles for enhanced dye degradation | Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry | 2021 | 10.1016/j.crgsc.2021.100132 |
Gupta, N.; Kanojia, A.; Katiyar, A.; Mudgil, Y | Molecular Characterization of NDL1-AGB1 Mediated Salt Stress Signaling: Further Exploration of the Role of NDL1 Interacting Partners. | Cells | 2021 | |
Mudgil Y, Yadav P, Pandit S, Reddy M K and Sopory SK | Promoter analysis of a DNA topology and morphogenesis involved gene-TopI reveals novel stress related functions in tobacco. | PHYTOMORPHOLOGY | 2021 | Doi:10.56024/ispm.71.1ampersand2.2021/15-26 |
Choudhary, A.K., Mishra G | Functional characterization and expression profile of microsomal FAD2 and FAD3 genes involved in linoleic and α-linolenic acid production in Leucas cephalotes. | Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants | 2021 | |
Shashi, Bhat, V | Plant regeneration via somatic embryogenesis and direct shoot organogenesis of a C4 bioenergy crop Pennisetum pedicellatum Trin | South African J. Botany | 2021 | |
Julie Thakur, Mayank D Dwivedi, Neeraja Singh, Prem L Uniyal, Shailendra Goel, Arun K Pandey. | Applicability of Start Codon Targeted (SCoT) and Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) markers in assessing genetic diversity in Crepidium acuminatum (D. Don) Szlach. | Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. | 2021 | 10.1016/j.jarmap.2021.100310 |
Yadav H and Uniyal PL | Studies on the gametophyte development and gametangia ontogeny of Drynaria mollis and Pteris apeericaulis through in vitro spore culture | Indian Fern Journal | 2021 | |
Dhyani A, Baishya R, Uniyal PL, Rao KS. 2021. | Bryophyte diversity and community composition in the gap and non‑gap areas of Chakrata forest range, Uttarakhand, India | Vegetos. | 2021 | |
Shruti Kasana, P.L. Uniyal and A.K. Pandey | Taxonomic revision of genus Dolomiaea DC. (Asteraceae: Cardueae) in India | Rheedea | 2021 | |
Sharma B., and Deswal, R. | Comparative proteome profiling of seabuckthorn leaves from low altitude ‘Sikkim’ and high altitude ‘Himachal Pradesh’ Himalayan region hints towards differential stress adaptive responses | Journal of Proteins and Proteomics | 2021 | |
Arya M., Prakash S., Sougrakpam Y., and Deswal., R. | Brassica juncea leaf cuticle proteome analysis shows myrosinase protein, antifreeze activity, and post-translationally modified secretory proteins. | Plant Physiology and Biochemistry | 2021 | 10.1016/j.plaphy.2021.02.012 |
Tripathy M. K., Deswal R., and Sopory, S. K. | Plant RABs: Role in Development and in Abiotic and Biotic Stress Responses, | Current Genomics | 2021 | 10.2174/1389202922666210114102743 |
Sharma S., and Deswal, R., | Dioscorea Alata Tuber Proteome Analysis Uncovers Differentially Regulated Growth-associated Pathways of Tuber Development | Plant and Cell Physiology | 2021 | |
Shruti Kasana, M.D. Dwivedi, and A.K. Pandey | Reinstatement of Alysicarpus pokleanus (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae: Desmodieae) based on ITS sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA. | Phytotaxa | 2021 | |
Vivek Kumar Raxwal, Sourav Ghosh, Somya Singh, Surekha Katiyar-Agarwal, Shailendra Goel, Arun Jagannath, Amar Kumar, Vinod Scaria, Manu Agarwal | Abiotic stress mediated modulation of chromatin landscape in Arabidopsis thaliana. | Journal of Experimental Botany | 2020 | 10.1093/jxb/eraa286 |
Ashish Agnihotri, Chandra Shekhar Seth | Does jasmonic acid regulate photosynthesis , clastogenecity, AsA-GSH cycle, and phytochelatins in Brassica juncea L. in response to Pb- subcellular distribution? | Chemosphere | 2020 | |
Tomar, U. and Baishya, R* | Seasonality and moisture regime control soil respiration, enzyme activities, and soil microbial biomass carbon in a semi-arid forest of Delhi | Ecological Processes | 2020 | |
Meena, A., Hanief, M., Dinakaran, J. & Rao, K.S. | Soil moisture controls the spatio-temporal pattern of soil respiration under different land use systems in a semi-arid ecosystem of Delhi, India | Ecological Processes | 2020 | 10.1186/s13717-020-0218-0 |
Laishram, J., Saxena, K.G. & Rao, K.S. | Rice cultivar diversity, associated indigenous knowledge and management practices in a lowland village landscape from north-eastern India | Vegetos | 2020 | 10.1007/s42535-020-00097-7 |
Divya, S., Sharmila, P., Dinakaran, J., Yamal, G., Rao, K.S. & Pardha-Saradhi, P. | Specific H+ level is crucial for accurate phosphate quantification using ascorbate as a reductant | Protoplasma | 2020 | 10.1007/s00709-019-01424-9 |
Kumar R, Khungar L, Shimphrui R, Tiwari LD, Tripathi G, Sarkar NK, Agarwal SK, Agarwal M, Grover A. | AtHsp101 research sets course of action for the genetic improvement of crops against heat stress | Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology | 2020 | |
Raxwal VK, Ghosh S, Singh S, Katiyar-Agarwal S, Goel S, Jagannath A, Kumar A, Scaria V, Agarwal M | Abiotic stress-mediated modulation of the chromatin landscape in Arabidopsis thaliana | Journal of Experimental Botany | 2020 | |
Gogna M, Choudhary A, Mishra G, Kapoor R, Bhatla SC | Changes in lipid composition in response to salt stress and its possible interaction with intracellular Na+-K+ ratio in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) | Environmental and Experimental Botany | 2020 | |
Thokchom SD, Gupta S, Kapoor R | Arbuscular mycorrhiza augments essential oil composition and antioxidant properties of Ocimum tenuiflorum L. - a popular green tea additive. | Industrial Crops and Products | 2020 | |
Hajong S, Kapoor R | An amalgam of pathogenic and beneficial endophytic fungi colonizing four Dendrobium species from Meghalaya, India. | Journal of Basic Microbiology | 2020 | |
Phukela B, Das S, Geeta R, Tandon R. | Segmental duplication has led to generation of CRCa and CRCb paralogues in Solanaceae. | Molecular Genetics and Genomics | 2020 | doi: 10.1007/s00438-019-01641-0 |
Shivanna KR, Tandon R. 2020. | Studies on developmental biology of dispersed pollen grains: Contribution of the Department of Botany, University of Delhi. | International Journal of Developmental Biology | 2020 | doi: 10.1387/ijdb.190166ks. |
Berry E, Choudhary AK, Mishra G, Tandon R, Geeta R. | Justicia adhatoda L. reveals two morphotypes with possible functional significance. | Journal of Plant Research | 2020 | DOI: 10.1007/s10265-020-01224-w |
Bhardwaj E, Lal M, Anand S, Das S | Independent recurrent evolution of MICRORNA genes converging onto similar non-canonical organisation across green plant lineages is driven by local and segmental duplication events in species, family and lineages. | Plant Science | 2020 | https://10.1016/j.plantsci.2020.110661 |
Singh S, Geeta R, Das S | Comparative sequence analysis across Brassicaceae, regulatory diversity in KCS5 and KCS6 homologs from Arabidopsis thaliana and Brassica juncea, and intronic fragment as a negative transcriptional regulator. | Gene Expression Patterns | 2020 | |
Phukela B, Geeta R, Das S, Tandon R | Ancestral segmental duplication in Solanaceae is responsible for the origin of CRCa-CRCb paralogues in the family. | Mol. Genet. and Genomics. | 2020 | |
Chauhan C, Joshi G, Chaudhary D, Das S | Sequence and functional analysis of cis-elements associated with MIR159 loci from Brassica juncea reveal functional diversification and complex transcriptional regulation. | Plant Growth and Regulation. | 2020 | 10.1007/s10725-020-00578-4 |
Yamini Agrawal, Isha Gunwal, Payal Mago | Review on Bioremediation of Metal Contaminated Soils | Journal of Bioremediation & Biodegradation | 2020 | – |
Kanojia A and Mudgil Y | Detailed in silico analysis of Arabidopsis N-myc Downregulated Like (NDL)interactome with reference to stress sensing | PHYTOMORPHOLOGY | 2020 | |
Berry E, Choudhary A, Mishra G, Tandon R, Geeta, R | Justicia adhatoda reveals two morphotypes with possible functional significance. | Journal of Plant Research | 2020 | |
Laishram, SD., Goyal, S., Shashi., Kulkarni, VM., Kumar, S., Bhat, V | Assessment of biolistic and Agrobacterium mediated genetic transformation methods in Cenchrus ciliaris | The Nucleus | 2020 | |
Rathore, P., Raina, SN, Kumar, S. and Bhat, V | Retro-element Gypsy-163 is Differentially Methylated in Reproductive Tissues of Apomictic and Sexual Plants of Cenchrus ciliaris | Front. Genet. | 2020 | |
SNS Veera, RM Panda, MD Behera, S Goel, PS Roy, SK Barik. | Prediction of upslope movement of Rhododendron arboreum in Western Himalaya. | Tropical Ecology | 2020 | 10.1007/s42965-020-00057-x |
Spalzin S, Dhyani A, Shantanu K and Uniyal PL | Diversity and Distribution Pattern of Mosses in Cold Desert of Leh, Ladakh | Journal of Himalayan Ecology and Sustainable Development | 2020 | |
Kasana S., Dwivedi, M., Uniyal , P.L. & Pandey , A.K. | An updated circumscription of Saussurea (Cardueae, Asteraceae) and allied genera based on morphological and molecular data | Phytotaxa | 2020 | |
Mann, N., Uniyal, P.L. & Lakhanpaul, S. | Incidence of In Situ Pollen Germination in Three Species of Viola L. of Uttarakhand | National Academy Science Letters | 2020 | |
Prakash S., and Deswal, R | Analysis of temporally evolved nanoparticles-protein corona highlighted the potential ability of gold nanoparticles to stably interact with proteins and influence the major biochemicals pathways in Brassica juncea. | Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, | 2020 | |
Sharma B., Arora S., Sahoo D., and Deswal R. | Comparative fatty acid profiling of Indian Seabuckthorn showed altitudinal gradient dependent species-specific variations | Physiol Mol Biol Plants | 2020 | 10.1007/s12298-019-00720-1 |
Shruti Kasana, M.D. Dwivedi, P.L. Uniyal and A.K. Pandey | An updated Circumscription of Saussurea DC. (Cardueae; Asteraceae) and allied genera based on morphological and molecular data. | Phytotaxa | 2020 | |
Lal Ji Singh, M.D. Dwivedi, Shruti Kasana, M.C. Naik, G.A. Ekka, and A.K. Pandey | Molecular systematics of the genus Musa L. (Zingiberales: Musaceae) in Andaman and Nicobar Islands. | Biologia | 2020 | |
Sonal Malik, Shruti Kasana and S. Lakhanpaul | Chloroplast DNA marker as a tool to study the molecular phylogeny of Indian Barleria L. (Acanthaceae). | Medicinal Plants | 2020 | 10.5958/0975-6892.2020.00073.8 |
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S. Kumar, J. Arora, V. Singh, N. Seth, S. Lakhanpaul | A baseline study of an abandoned mine site in Purnapani, Odisha: a step towards ecological restoration | Vegetos | 2019 | |
Das, M.C., Saxena, K.G. & Rao, K.S. | Soil biodiversity and their function and threat to them: A review | SGAT Bulletin | 2019 | not assigned |
Dinakaran, J., Chandra, A., Vikram, K., Chamoli, K., Tambat, S. & Rao, K.S. | Responses of soil carbon, nitrogen, microbial activity, bacterial community composition and grain yield to farmyard manure amendments in a rainfed agriculture (Paddy) system of Himalaya | Vegetos | 2019 | 10.1007/s42535-019-00052-1 |
Dinakaran, J., Vikram, K., Hanief, M., Bidalia, A., Tambat, S. & Rao, K.S. | Changes in vegetation cover and soil intrinsic properties influence the soil bacterial community composition and divertisy across different climatic regions of India | Vegetos | 2019 | 10.1007/s42535-019-00027-2 |
Meena, A., Bidalia, A., Hanief, M., Dinakaran, J. & Rao, K.S. | Assessment of above- and belowground carbon pools in a semi-arid forest ecosystem of Delhi, India | Ecological Processes | 2019 | 10.1186/s13717-019-0163-y |
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Sasi JM, Kumar CV, Mani B, Bhardwaj AR, Agarwal M, Katiyar-Agarwal S. | Identification and characterization of miRNAs during flag leaf senescence in rice by high-throughput sequencing | Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology | 2019 | |
Kumari A, Kapoor R and Bhatla S C | Nitric oxide and light co-regulate glycine betaine homeostasis in sunflower seedling cotyledons by modulating betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase transcript levels and activity. | Plant Signaling & Behavior | 2019 | |
Anand G and Kapoor R | Nested PCR assay for specific and sensitive detection of Alternaria carthami. | Archives of Microbiology | 2019 | |
Singh N, Anand G and Kapoor R | Incidence and Severity of Fungal Diseases of Safflower in India | Crop Protection | 2019 | |
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Mangla Y, Das K, Bali S, Ambreen H, Raina SN, Tandon R, Goel S. | Occurrence of subdioecy and scarcity of gender-specific markers reveal an ongoing transition to dioecy in Himalayan seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides ssp. turkestanica) | Heredity | 2019 | DOI:10.1038/s41437-018-0084-z |
Krishnan R, Khanduri P, Tandon R. | Zeylanidium manasiae, a new species of Podostemaceae based on molecular and morphological data from Kerala, India | Phytokeys | 2019 | DOI:org/10.3897/phytokeys.124.33453 |
Tailor A, Tandon R, Bhatla SC. | Routes of nitric oxide modulated polyamine homeostasis in sunflower seedling cotyledons under salt stress. | Plant Signalling & Behaviour | 2019 | DOI: 10.1080/15592324.2019.1667730 |
Adit A, Kaul M, Tandon R. | New distributional records in the Orchid flora of Tripura. | Journal of Threatened Taxa | 2019 | |
Anand S, Lal M and Sandip Das | Comparative genomics reveals origin of MIR159A-MIR159B paralogy, and complexities of PTGS interaction between miR159 and target GA-MYBs in Brassicaceae. | Mol. Genet. and Genomics | 2019 | |
Katiyar A, Mudgil Y | Arabidopsis NDL-AGB1 modules Play Role in Abiotic Stress and Hormonal Responses Along with Their Specific Functions | In. J. Mol. Sci. | 2019 | |
Arora S, Mishra G | Biochemical modulation of Monodopsis subterranea (Eustigmatophyceae) by auxin and cytokinin enhances eicosapentaenoic acid productivity. | Journal of Applied Phycology | 2019 | |
Shivangi Shah, Dinabandhu Sahoo, Rohit Nandan Shukla, Girish Mishra | De novo transcriptome sequencing of Monodopsis subterranea CCALA 830 and identifcation of genes involved in the biosynthesis of eicosapentanoic acid and triacylglycerol. | Vegetos | 2019 | |
Abdi, S., Dwivedi, A., Shashi, Kumar, S. and Bhat, V | Development of EST-SSR markers in Cenchrus ciliaris and their applicability in studying the genetic diversity and cross-species transferability | J. Genet. | 2019 | |
Yadav, CB, Dwivedi, A., Kumar, S. and Bhat, V | AFLP-based genetic diversity analysis distinguishes apomictically and sexually reproducing Cenchrus species | Braz. J. Bot. | 2019 | |
Rustagi, A., Shekhar, S., Kumar, D., Lawrence, K., Bhat, V. and Bhalla Sarin, N | High speed regeneration via somatic embryogenesis in elite Indian banana cv. Somrani monthan (ABB). | Vegetos | 2019 | |
N.K. Chrungoo, R. J. Devi, S. Goel, K. Das. | Deciphering species relationships and evolution in Chenopodium through sequence variations in nuclear internal transcribed spacer region and amplified fragment-length polymorphism in nuclear DNA. | Journal of Genetics | 2019 | 10.1007/s12041-019-1079-0 |
D.R. Wahlang, W. Suchiang, S. Goel, S.R. Rao. | Analysis of genetic variation using ISSR and the development of SCAR marker in synthetic autotetraploids of Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper | Vegetos | 2019 | 10.1007/s42535-019-00006-7 |
D.R. Wahlang, J.M. Lamo, S. Goel, S. R. Rao. | Karyo-morphological consistency and heterochromatin distribution pattern in diploid and colchitetraploids of Vigna radiata and V. mungo, | Meta Gene | 2019 | 10.1016/j.mgene.2019.100569 |
Kasana,S, Uniyal PL and Pandey AK | Lactotypification Lipschitziella ceratocarpa. (Asteraceae, Cardueae) an endemic species from Indian Himalaya | Kew Bulletin | 2019 | 10.1007/s12225-019-9821-6) |
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Kasana S, Uniyal PL and Pandey AK | Rediscovery of Saussurea andryaloides (Asteraceae: Cardueae) from Uttarakhand, India | Rheedea | 2019 | |
Kashyap P., and Deswal, R. | Two ICE isoforms showing differential transcriptional regulation by cold and hormones participate in Brassica juncea cold stress signaling | Gene | 2019 | 10.1016/j.gene.2019.02.005 |
Sharma B., and Deswal, R | Ecophysiolomic analysis of stress tolerant Himalayan shrub Hipppophae rhamnoides shows multifactorial acclimation strategies induced by diverse environmental conditions | Physiologia Plantarum | 2019 | 10.1111/ppl.12942 |
Sharma B., Gupta R., Sahoo D., and Deswal, R. | Purification of dual-functioning chitinases with hydrolytic and antifreeze activities from Hippophae rhamnoides seedlings | Journal of Proteins and Proteomics | 2019 | 10.1007/s42485-019-00007-9 |
Sehrawat A., Sougrakpam Y., and Deswal, R. | Cold modulated nuclear S-nitrosoproteome analysis indicates redox modulation of novel Brassicaceae specific, myrosinase and napin in Brassica juncea. | Journal of Environmental and Experimental Botany | 2019 | 10.1016/j.envexpbot.2018.10.010. |
R. Yohanan, N. Jeyrani, V. Devipriya, S. A. Rather, Shruti Kasana, J. Thakur, M.D. Dwivedi and A.K. Pandey | Evaluating genetic diversity within the genus Jasminum L. (Oleaceae) using ISSR markers. | Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, India | 2019 | |
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2020 | |
Singh, T.; Yadav, R. & Agrawal, Veena | Effective protocol for isolation and marked enhancement of psoralen, daidzein and genistein in the cotyledon callus cultures of Cullen corylifolium (L.) Medik | Industrial Crops & Products |
2020 | |
Rajput, S. & Agrawal Veena | Micropropagation of Atropa acuminata Royle ex Lindl. (a critically endangered medicinal herb) through root callus and evaluation of genetic fdelity, enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant activity of regenerants |
Acta Physiol. Plantarum |
2020 | |
Nindawat, S. & Agrawal Veena | Arabian Primrose leaf extract mediated synthesis of silver nanoparticles: their industrial and biomedical applications. | Artificial Cell Nano–med. & Biotechnology | 2020 | |
Rajput, S.; Kumar, D. & Agrawal Veena | Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Indian Belladonna extract and their potential antioxidant, antiinflammatory, anticancer and larvicidal activities. | Plant Cell Reports | 2020 | |
Singh,T., Sharma U. & Agrawal, Veena | Isolation and optimization of plumbagin synthesis in root callus of Plumbago zeylanica L. augmented with chitosan and yeast extract. | Industrial Crops & Products |
2020 | |
Saini, H.;… Agrawal, Veena |
Cullen coryllifolium L. Medik.) seed extract an excellent system for fabrication of silver nanoparticles and their multipotency validation against different mosquito vectors and human cervical cancer cell lines. |
J. Cluster Science |
2019 | |
Nindawat, S. & Agrawal Veena | Fabrication of silver nanoparticles using Arnebia hispidissima(Lehm.) DC. root extract and unraveling their potential biomedical applications | Artificial cell Nano –med. & Biotechnol ogy |
2019 | |
Yadav, R.; Saini, H.; Kumar, D. & Agrawal, Veena | Bioengineering of Piper longum L. extract mediated silver nanoparticles and their potential biomedical applications. |
Material Science & Engg.C |
2019 | |
Kumar, J.; Heikrujam, M.; Sharma, K. & Agrawal,Veena | SRAP and SSR marker-assisted genetic diversity, population structure analysis and sex identification in Jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis)‘ | Industrial Crops & Products |
2019 | |
Kumar, D….Agrawal,Veena | Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Holarrhena antidysenterica (L.) Wall. bark extract and their larvicidal activity against dengue and filariasis vectors |
Parasitology Research | 2018 | |
Kumar, D.;…Agrawal, Veena | In vitro elicitation, isolation and characterization of conessine biomolecule from Holarrhena antidysenterica callus and its larvicidal activity against malaria vector, Anopheles stephensi. | Environmental Sci. & Pollution Resesrch | 2018 | |
Sharma, U. & Agrawal Veena | In vitro shoot regeneration and enhanced synthesis of plumbagin in root callus of Plumbago zeylanica L.—an important medicinal herb. | In Vitro Cell Dev Biol. Plant | 2018 | |
Nanda, R. & Agrawal, Veena | Piriformospora indica, an excellent system for heavy metal sequestration and amelioration of oxidative stress and DNA damage in Cassia angustifolia Vahl under copper stress. |
Ecotoxicol & Environ. Safety |
2018 | |
Kumar, D.;…Agrawal, Veena |
Strong larvicidal potential of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) synthesized using Holarrhena antidysenterica bark extract against malarial vector, Anopheles stephensi | Process Safety. Environ. Protection |
2018 | |
Ashish Agnihotri, Praveen Gupta, Anuj Dwivedi, Chandra Shekhar Seth | Counteractive mechanism (s) of salicylic acid in response to lead toxicity In Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. cv. Varuna | Planta | 2018 | |
Saikia, R. and Baishya, R* | Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria in certain agricultural crop soils of Delhi | International Journal of Plant and Environment | 2018 | |
Bhadouria, R., Tripathi, S. and Rao, K.S. | Understanding plant community assemblage, functional diversity and soil attributes of Indian savannas through a continuum approach | Tropical Ecology | 2018 | not assigned |
Dinakaran, J., Chandra, A., Chamoli, K.P., Deka, J. & Rao, K.S. | Soil organic carbon stabilization changes with an altitude gradient of land cover types in central Hyalaya, India | Catena | 2018 | 10.1016/j.catena.2018.06.039 |
Dhyani, S., Maikhuri, R.K. & Rao, K.S. | Canopy gap phase regeneration: A study in moist temperate forests of Central Himalayas, India | Sustainable Forestry | 2018 | 10.24294/sf.v1i4.838 |
Bidalia, A., Okram, Z., Hanief, M. & Rao, K.S. | Assessment of tolerances in Mitragyna parvifolia (Roxb.) Korth. And Syzygium cumini Keels. seedlings to waterlogging | Photosynthetica | 2018 | 10.1007/s11099-017-0724-1 |
Bharti K, Gopal J, Esha S, Rupam K, Shailendra G, Arun J, Amar K, Manu A. | Standardization of Hydroponics based procedure for High-Throughput Screening and its Application for identification of differential host response in Safflower against Fusarium oxysporum carthamii. | Vegetos- An International Journal of Plant Research | 2018 | |
Ambreen H, Kumar S, Kumar A, Agarwal M, Jagannath A, Goel S. | Association Mapping for Important Agronomic Traits in Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) Core Collection Using Microsatellite Markers | Front Plant Sci | 2018 | |
Singh N and Kapoor R | Quick and accurate detection of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. carthami in host tissue and soil using conventional and real-time PCR assay | World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology | 2018 | |
Mathur P, Singh V P and Kapoor R | Interactive effects of CO2 concentrations and Alternaria brassicae (Berk.) Sacc. infection on defense signalling in Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. & Coss. | European Journal of Plant Pathology | 2018 | |
Sharma E, Tayal P, Anand G, Mathur P and Kapoor R | Functional analysis of Diacylglycerol O-acyl transferase 2 gene to decipher its role in virulence of Botrytis cinerea. | Current Genetics | 2018 | |
Barman C, Singh VK, Tandon R. | Reproductive biology of Salvadora oleoides (Salvadoraceae) Decne. | The International Journal of Plant Reproductive Biology, | 2018 | DOI 10.14787/ijprb.2018 10.1. 69-76 |
Chaudhary A, Yadav SR, Tandon R. | Delayed selfing ensures reproductive assurance in Utricularia praeterita and Utricularia babui in Western Ghats. | Journal of Plant Research | 2018 | DOI: 10.1007/s10265-018-1016-y |
Singh V, Barman C, Mohanty D, Tandon R. | Contribution of reproductive attributes to the density-dependent effects on fruit-set pattern in Anogeissus sericea. | AoB Plants | 2018 | DOI: 10.1093/aobpla/ply019 |
Barman C, Singh VK, Das S, Tandon R. | Floral contrivances confer strong influence on moth-pollinated and self-compatible Wrightia tomentosa (Apocynaceae) to elicit mixed-mating. | Plant Biology | 2018 | DOI:10.1111/plb.12690 |
Tyagi S, Majumdar P A, Mayee P, Shivaraj S.M, Anand S, Singh A, Madhurantakam C, Sharma P, Sandip Das, Kumar A and Singh A | Natural variation in Brassica FT homeologs influences multiple agronomic traits including flowering time, silique shape, oil profile, stomatal morphology and plant height in B. juncea. | Plant Science | 2018 | |
Joshi G, Chauhan C and Sandip Das | Microsynteny analysis to understand evolution and impact of polyploidization on MIR319 family within Brassicaceae. | Development, Genes and Evolution | 2018 | DOI: 10.1007/s00427-018-0620-0 |
Dangwal M and Sandip Das | Identification and analysis of OVATE family members from genome of the early land plants provides insights into evolutionary history of OFP family and function. | Journal of Molecular Evolution | 2018 | 10.1007/s00239-018-9863-7 |
Singh S, Sandip Das and Geeta R | A segmental duplication in the common ancestor of Brassicaceae is responsible for the origin of the paralogs KCS6-KCS5, which are not shared with other angiosperms. | Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution | 2018 | |
Chauhan C, Joshi G, Chaudhary D and Sandip Das | An improved method for rapid analysis of promoters using modified sonication-assisted transient assay | 3Biotech | 2018 | 10.1007/s13205-018-1219-x |
Jain A, Anand S, Singh NK, Sandip Das | Sequence and Functional Characterization of MIRNA164 Promoters from Brassica Shows Copy Number Dependent Regulatory Diversification Among Homeologs | Functional and Integrative Genomics | 2018 | 10.1007/s10142-018-0598-8 |
Chandan Barman, Vineet Singh, Sandip Das and Rajesh Tandon | Floral contrivances and specialized pollination mechanism confer strong influence to elicit mixed-mating in Wrightia tomentosa (Apocynaceae); DOI: ; | Plant Biology | 2018 | |
Gunjan Sirohi, Karuna Kusumanjali, Ritesh Kumar, Aditi Jain, P. S. Srivastava and Sandip Das | Synteny analysis and functional characterization of miR165a from Brassica species | Acta Physiologiae Plantarum | 2018 | |
Pandit S, Dalal V, Mishra G | Identification of novel phosphatidic acid binding domain on sphingosine kinase 1 of Arabidopsis thaliana. | Plant Physiology and Biochemistry | 2018 | |
Agnihotri, PA, Jha Maity, P., Dwivedi, KK and Bhat, V | Isolation of Nucellin gene promoter from Hordeum vulgare and its characterization in A.thaliana. | The International J. of Plant Reproductive Biology | 2018 | |
Y. Mangla, K. Das, S. Bali, H. Ambreen, S. N. Raina, R. Tandon, S. Goel. | Occurrence of subdioecy and degeneration of sequence at gender-specific locus in Himalayan seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides ssp. turkestanica). | Heredity | 2018 | 10.1038/s41437-018-0084-z |
H. Ambreen, S. Kumar, A. Kumar, M. Agarwal, A. Jagannath, S. Goel. | Association mapping for important agronomic traits in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) core collection using microsatellite markers. | Frontiers in Plant Sciences | 2018 | |
Bhatia M, Kumar B and Uniyal PL. | In vitro spore germination, gametophyte ontogeny and sporophyte regeneration in Platycerium bifurcatum (Cav.)C. Chr. | Indian Fern Journal | 2018 | |
Uniyal PL, Tiwari P and Chaudhary E. | Studies on floral sources, phenolic, flavonoid, proline contents and antioxidant capacity of honey from the Khirsoo area of Pauri, Uttarakhand, India. | Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences | 2018 | |
Sourabh P, Thakur J, Priti, Sharma P, Uniyal PL and Pandey AK. | Habitat Distribution Modelling for Reintroduction of Endangered Medicinal Plants Ephedra gerardiana, Lilium polyphyllum, Crepidium acumintum, Pittosporum eriocarpum and Skimmia anquetilia in India. | International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences | 2018 | |
Chaudhary Ekta, Tiwari P and Uniyal PL | Morphology and pollen chemistry of several bee forage taxa of family Rosaceae from Garhwal Himalaya, Uttarakhand, India | Journal of Apiculture Science | 2018 | 10.2478/JAS-2018-0015 |
Thakur J, Dwivedi MD and Uniyal PL | Ultrastructural studies and molecular characterization of root-associated fungi of Crepidium acuminatum (D Don)Szlach. : a threatened and medicinally important taxon. | Journal of genetics | 2018 | https// 1007/s 12041-018-1007-8 |
Rawat DS, Tiwari JK, Uniyal PL and Tiwari P. | Assessment of fodder species in western Himalaya, Ranganga Valley, Uttarakhand, India. | International Journal of Tropical Agriculture | 2018 | |
Mamgain A. Uniyal PL. | Species Distribution Modelling of Rhododendron arboreum Sm. – A Keystone Species, in India and Adjoining Region | International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences | 2018 | |
Sharma B., Sahoo D., and Deswal, R. | Single‐step purification and characterization of antifreeze proteins from leaf and berry of a freeze tolerant shrub Seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides). | Journal of Separation Science | 2018 | 10.1002/jssc.201800553 |
Singh, A., Sharma, B., and Deswal, R. | Green silver nanoparticles from novel Brassicaceae cultivars with enhanced antimicrobial potential than earlier reported Brassicaceae members. | Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology | 2018 | 10.1016/j.jtemb.2018.01.001 |
M.D. Dwivedi, D.S. Meena, S.A. Rather, S. Danda, and Shruti Kasana* | Floristic diversity at Asola Bhatti Wildlife Sanctuary, Delhi, India. | Phytomorphology | 2018 | |
Shruti Kasana, M.D. Dwivedi and P.L. Uniyal | Taxonomic status of Saussurea costus (Falc.) Lipsch. (Asteraceae, Cardueae): a critically endangered species from the Himalayas, India. | Pleione | 2018 | 10.26679/Pleione.12.1.2018.081-084 |