
Faculty (Click on Faculty Name for details)

Subject domain / Specialization


Professor Dinabandhu Sahoo

Vidwan ID

Brief CV

Algae, algal biofuel, Marine biotechnology



Professor Renu Deswal

Vidwan ID

Proteomics, NO signalling, Nanobiotechnology


Professor Prem Lal Uniyal

Vidwan ID

Archaegoniatae; Biosystematics and Ecology of Bryophytes; Conservation Biology of Ferns and Gymnosperms


Professor Rajesh Tandon

Vidwan ID

Reproductive Biology of flowering plants; Conservation Biology, Developmental Biology; Developmental Biology and Reproduction; 


Professor Vishnu Bhat

Vidwan ID

Reproductive Biology of flowering plants; Developmental Biology;  Molecular basis of Apomixis


Professor Sudeshna Mazumdar-Leighton

Vidwan ID

Plant-Biotic Interactions; Sustainable Plant Biotechnology


Professor Rupam Kapoor

Vidwan ID

Plant Pathology; Plant-Fungus Interactions; Stress Physiology


Professor Shailendra Goel

Vidwan ID

Plant Developmental Biology; Plant Genetics and Genomics; Crop improvement


Professor Manu Agarwal

Vidwan ID

Genetics and genomics; Abiotic and Biotic stresses in plants


Professor Arun Jagannath

Vidwan ID

Transgenics for crop improvement; Crop genetics and genomics; Genes influencing agronomic traits; Aphid biology and genomics


Professor Sandip Das

Vidwan ID

Genome organisation; Plant Development and Evolution; Functional and Regulatory diversification; Crop improvement


Professor Yashwanti Mudgil

Vidwan ID

Cell signaling networks  and adaptive responses; Hormonal Regulation of plant growth and development


Professor Girish Mishra

Vidwan ID

Plant Lipid Biochemistry; Metabolic engineering


Dr. Priya Panjabi-Massand

Vidwan ID

Plant Genetics and Genomics; Plant-Pathogen interactions


Dr. Ratul Baishya

Vidwan ID

Carbon Sequestration; Climate Change Impact Assessment; Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation


Dr. Chandra Sekhar Seth

Vidwan ID

Phytohormones and NO assisted abiotic stresses management; Photosynthesis and Nitrogen metabolism under abiotic stresses; Role of Nanoparticles under abiotic stresses in plants


Dr. Vibhuti Singh

Vidwan ID

Developmental biology of plants: biotic stress, plant adaptations, agronomic traits; Medicinal botany

Dr. Yamini Agrawal

Vidwan ID

Plant-fungus interactions, Comparative genomics of fungal entomopathogens

Dr. Shruti Kasana

Vidwan ID

Plant Taxonomy and Molecular Phylogeny