An unofficial video of the Department of Botany- AROUND THE ARAUCARIA, made by an ex-student, Mr. Mohd. Jafri (M.Sc 2022-24 batch) is available
Here is a list of amenities available on the University of Delhi Campus
Important Informations for students can be found here:
1. List of M.Sc (Final) 2022-2024 batch of students
2. M.Sc Teaching schedule 2023-24
3. M.Sc Teaching Schedule 2024 1st and 3rd semester w.e.f 01.08.2024
4. M.Sc (Botany) Course content
7. List of M.Sc students 2023-2025
8. List of M. Sc Students 2024-2026
9. Complete List of Ph.D students currently enrolled in the department
10. List of Ph.D Students enrolled in 2023-24
11. Time table for Ph.D coursework w.e.f August 2024
12. DUBS Office bearers 2024-2025